COVID-19 is putting the mental as well as physical health of people around the world under a lot of strain. EDAMH is experiencing that for people with existing mental health difficulties, this may be especially pronounced.

A close up image of a field of white and yellow daisies.

We, as a Third Sector Organisation in East Dunbartonshire, understand this and continue to support people who are struggling with their Mental Health. EDAMH is continuing to evolve with the ever change COVID landscape, however at the heart of all our services remains our clients and this will always be the case.  

Our current telephone support has been working very well for many of our clients, although we do appreciate it does not suit everyone. Telephone support will be available for the foreseeable future.

We currently running an online support group which many client’s have been enjoying, please contact us for more details.

We are still taking referrals! We aim to have the assessment done within a week of receiving the referral. Please click here or go to the referrals tab at the top of the page for more information.