CEDAR Groups
The Cedar programme takes place over 12 sessions with groups for children, young people and their mothers running in parallel.
The groups provide an opportunity to explore the experiences, understanding and feelings with an emphasis on providing fun and creative activities that keep children engaged and interacting with each other.

Cedar has given us the confidence to get where we need to be, the power to have a happy life we deserve.
It is about creating a safe place for children and their mothers to help each other to find the best strategies to deal with their experiences and rebuild their lives. A key aim of the programme is to help mothers to support their children in their recovery.
Helped me to share my feelings and what happened in my family.
Children and young people attend group with peers around the same age, while mums attend group with other women who have experienced domestic abuse and wish to support their children in their recovery.
It is way easier to talk to other people about Domestic abuse because I understand it better.