How to access CEDAR
CEDAR can be contacted by mothers themselves or we can receive referrals from other agencies and support services – Providing it happens with the mother’s informed consent.
Some mothers and children may already be working with other services while others may be seeking support for the first time.
CEDAR is a voluntary programme and a family only attends if they feel it is something they would like to participate in and that it could be beneficial for the children and young people in their families.
It is way easier to talk to other people about Domestic abuse because I understand it better
The referral criteria for CEDAR
- A child or young person is between the ages of 4 and 16 years
- a family are currently living safely away from the abuse
- child or young person has a memory of the abuse and can communicate it in some way.
We receive referrals from people like teachers, doctors, social workers, health visitors and any other professionals. After contacting CEDAR and having an informal chat, there will be a more in-depth assessment process – if CEDAR is not right for you or the family you are referring, the coordinator will seek other support.
To make a referral , or to find out more about the CEDAR Project please contact the CEDAR Coordinator on 0141 955 3040 or email